Ten Quick Mindfulness Exercises

With the recent events, many people are forced to stay at home and wait on what will happen. The fear of the unknown starts to bother us and sooner or later we found ourselves anxious. We listed down mindfulness exercises which helps you pause and reset your focus on what’s important in your life. 

Mindfulness Exercises

START YOUR DAY RIGHT. The unconscious brain is the one who is responsible for all the decision-making and behaviors that we do. Practicing mindfulness as early as you woke up helps strengthen the connection between the higher and the lower brain centers. Doing so, you will see a change in how you deal with your day. You should practice this before doing anything such as checking your phone or even getting out of bed.

  • Upon waking up, sit on your bed or on a chair in a relaxed manner. Keeping your posture in check. Feel the sensations that overwhelms your body. Make sure that your spine is straight, and you are not straining your back.
  • Three deep breaths. This goes a long way. Breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth. Follow the rhythm of your breathing and focus on it. Feel your chest as it rises and fall during each breath.
  • Keep in mind how you want your day to go. Set an intention for the day for example, “Today, I will be more patient with other and I will try to spread kindness in any ways I can”. Throughout the day make sure to keep yourself in check. Don’t hesitate to pause when needed and clear your mind. This helps a lot when you are tired and need to focus on things.

PRACTICE MINDFULNESS WHEN EATING. Who knew that you can also practice mindfulness when you are enjoying a meal? Eating is one of the most enjoyable things that us, human beings, do every day. Everyone is looking forward for lunch and breaks in between school and work.

  • Eat and suffice your hunger. Make sure to choose mindfully what to eat, when to eat, how much you should eat. This quick exercise may not be considered as mindfulness for your, but it is a simple practice of it that guides you in understanding what your body really needs. Do not force yourself to eat certain foods that you don’t like. Doing so will lessen your enjoyment of your meal and might make you feel uncomfortable for the rest of the day.
  • Peacefully finish your meal. Do not be in a hurry to finish your food. Slow down and savor the flavor of the food you are eating. This enhances digestion by making your body relaxed. 

PRACTICE MINDFULNESS ANYWHERE YOU ARE. The brain is composed of a complicated wiring that is responsible for our thoughts, feelings and intelligence. It is overwhelmed with so much job that sometimes it slows down.

three people talking with each other

  • Do new things. Doing new things can help rewire and excite your brain making it stronger. If you want to try yoga, go ahead and put a mat on the floor to entice you to meditate. Seeing it multiple times a day will trigger your brain and be in charge. Sooner or later you will see yourself meditating every day.
  •  Create new patterns. When your brain is used to a pattern that you’ve been doing for the longest time, it slows down as time goes by. Try to create new patterns and incorporate mindfulness in your everyday. For example, before waking up make sure to take a minute for yourself and have 3 deep breaths.
  • Try workouts. Working out is not only a way of burning the calories that you’ve gained from eating but also it is known for improving someone’s over-all health. Choose from the variety of exercises that are available. You can try yoga if you are a newbie. Make sure to warm up first for at least 5 minutes before starting anything. Concentrate on matching the rhythm of your body and your breathing. This aligns the activity of the brain, heart and the nervous system. After exercising, steadily cool down and feel the energy of your surroundings.
  • Mindfulness when driving. Before starting any activity, take deep breaths. The inhaled oxygen awakens your body and mind preparing you for the hustle and bustle while driving. To have a sense of safety and ease, when you are put to stop, look at your surroundings or the other cars around you. You may be lucky enough to see a miracle happening or an act of kindness.
  • Mindfulness when talking to people. When you met someone for the first time, you often look at their eyes, their expression, how they talk and even their postures. You will notice these small details within a short period of time. Take deep breaths and feel the sensations of your body as you start interacting with someone. If you feel like your mind is wandering, accept it and bring back your focus to the one you are talking to.

It is amazing how mindfulness can be practiced in almost about everything. Meditating does not need to take long hours, sometime a breath or two is all you need. It is enough to calm yourself down and provide you the peace that you needed within a full day.





