How Meditation Affects The Brain

Mindfulness and meditation have been gaining a lot of recognition for the past years. Many celebrities have been spotted practicing it which gave way to the birth of meditation guides and yoga teachers. Let’s get to know how mindfulness and meditation affects the work of the brain.

Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation is defined as a set of techniques that is practiced by a person by being in a state of awareness while focusing on the sensation, emotion and thoughts while meditating. While mindfulness is just one of the 3 types of meditation. Mindfulness is one type of meditation which also focuses on a person’s thoughts and feelings through the use of breathing methods, guided imagery and other techniques that clears the mind of stress and relaxes the body.

7 Ways Meditation Affects the Brain

Both meditation mad mindfulness needs a person practicing it to be in a heightened state of awareness with focused attention to the sensation, emotions and thoughts.

1. Preserves Aging of the Brain

According to studies, people who have been practicing meditation for a long time were proved to have better- preserved brains than those who do not practice it. Through the use of CT-Scan, the researcher found out that there are more grey matter volume in the brain of those meditators who have been practicing for more than 20 years. Meditation helps slow down the aging process by stimulating the brain whenever a person meditates.

2. “Me” First

With everything that is going on in our day-to-day lives, our mind has been working non-stop to keep up with its demand. Meditation helps calm the mind and bring the focus on oneself. A Yale study was able to prove that meditation can reduce the self-referential thoughts and mind-wandering of a person which is often associated with stress, worry and even fear of the past and the future. Meditation was able to quiet down these weary thoughts and instead make new connections in the brain that improve one’s focus more.

3. Lessen Depression and Anxiety

Millions of people are being diagnosed with mental health problems each year. Majority of which is depression and anxiety. Meditation along with mindfulness were effective in toning down the symptoms of patients with depression and anxiety. Studies show that its effectivity is same as the use of anti-depressants but without the risk of experiencing the adverse reactions of the drug. Since meditation is also one way of training the brain, it gains the capability to increase the awareness of the mind and focus on things that matter.

4. Improves Memory and Cognition

Since meditation mainly works on the brain, it does not only affect the emotional and social parts of the brain but also the cognitive area of the brain too. Meditation and mindfulness increase the cortical thickness of the hippocampus, which is responsible for thinking, learning, memory and problem solving. Improving a person’s cognitive abilities.

5. Focus and Attention

Meditation and mindfulness require a lot of focus and attention on what you are currently doing in order to attain that level of awareness. Studies show that meditation and mindfulness help train the minds of the people and improve their memory and focus. By doing and practicing it every day, we will not notice it but we are slowly becoming more attentive and focused on the things that we are doing.

6. Helps with Addiction

There has been a number of studies relating mindfulness and meditation to addiction. These studies found out that meditation is a very effective way of alleviating addiction especially for recovering addicts. One study found out that mindfulness and meditation is an effective way of making smokers quit. It helps get through the craving.

7. Great for Kids

We mainly hear adults practicing mindfulness, but kids may do so too. Meditation and mindfulness were already practiced in some schools as it was proven to stimulate the brain’s development of children making it easier for them to learn their lectures at school. Also, meditation at school are much needed breaks that decreases the stressors of children. Lastly, it showed that meditation and mindfulness greatly increase the attendance and GPA of students at high-risk schools.

Mindfulness At The Office

We spent most of our days inside our office, working. When we enter the office, the first thing to do is sit down and work. This goes on for the next 12 hours with eating breaks in between. We are so focused on work that we forget to stop, breathe and think. Doing this will improve the quality of your work.

Benefits of Mindfulness

The workplace is full of conflict and stress especially when the workload or task at hand becomes hard to bear. Doing something to relieve your mind and body from this stress is essential for a good day’s worth. Here’s why mindfulness is recommended to be done at work:

  • Stress Reduction ­– it is the number one and most popular benefit that one can get from practicing mindfulness at work especially since stress is also the most common cause of workers absenteeism.
  • Better Understanding – Working requires you to be able to absorb new information or ideas. Studies show that letting the brain take a break once in a will further improve one’s problem-solving, critical thinking and skills development. They are able to process information much faster leading to a more efficient work.
  • Adaptability – The ability to adapt at work is a must. Having this skill proves that you are able to easily acclimate to different situations and be able to think fast on different situations. Mindfulness increases your adaptability and will improve your leadership skills and performance.
  • Creativity – Since mindfulness focuses on the mind, it also enhances one’s creativity. It motivates people, making you think more innovatively. Also, mindfulness lessens distractions and focuses on what’s important.

Mindfulness at Work

Practicing mindfulness at work does not consume so much of your time and space. You don’t need a lot of equipment or items. You may use whatever you see around you that is available. Here are the ways you can practice mindfulness at work:

Be Aware and Awake

Mindfulness is – overall – a state of awareness. It works when one is being conscious about his or her present state at the moment of mindfulness. At work, our mind is mind blown with all the task and to dos. To be mindful at work requires you to be consciously present on whatever task you are doing, while you are doing it, and as well as being able to manage both your mental and emotional state. You may not even realize but by focusing on a report or task, you are already practicing mindfulness. Don’t forget to bring back your thoughts to the task at hand whenever you feel that it’s slipping away.

Short Mindfulness Exercise

Mindfulness exercises may also be done at work without needing any kind of mat. Here are some short mindfulness exercises you can do:

  • Body scan meditation – Lie on your back on your swivel chair and gently extended your legs and arms at the side with palms facing up. Close your eyes and gently bring your mind to focus on every part of your body from head to toe and vice versa. Be aware of any sensations, emotions, and even thoughts that are associated with each part of your body while you are doing it. You may do this for as short as a minute or longer.
  • Sitting meditation – Sit comfortably on your working chair with your back straight and feet resting flat on the floor. Put your hands on your lap. Close your eyes and start breathing through your nose. Focus on your breathing in and out and the sensations that you feel. Bring your mind to focus when you notice it lingering everywhere else.
  • Walking meditation – if you are tired of your working space, you may opt to go out for a short walk. It may be done around the office or up on the rooftop. Find a quiet place then begin walking slowly. Focus on the overall experience of walking, notice how you keep your balance and the movements needed to keep walking. If you find yourself at the end of the path, you may go for another walk if you want.

Be a Single – Tasker

People mostly multi-task these days because they think that they are able to achieve more if they do so. Little did they know that they are doing much less when they do two things at a time.  Try to start being a single tasker. Let your mind focus on one task at

What Is A Mindfulness Colouring?

Many things happened unexpectedly this year, from terrorists’ attacks to an epidemic that caused the lives of so many people. People has been forced more often than not to stay inside their homes and temporarily stop the normal routine in their lives. Spending a lot of time at home can cause one to think too much and mindfulness is just one way of getting rid whatever is inside your mind.  


Mindfulness is just one of the common practices that helps divert your attention and purposely focus on what is happening at the present moment – accepting it without judgement. It is achieved when a person reaches a certain state where they become more aware of the present moment while acknowledging and accepting whatever it is that they are feeling, thinking, and the bodily sensations that is overflowing in their body.

Benefits of Mindfulness

Improves well-being

Mindfulness increases your capacity to support many attitudes that contribute to a more satisfied life. The state of mindfulness makes it easier for one to enjoy the pleasures of life. It also allows you to be fully engaged in activities and increase your capability to face future untoward events. Many people who practices mindfulness see the differences on different aspects of their lives – they worry less about their stressors, the present and the unknown future. They become less preoccupied on the pressure to be successful and are able to make better and deeper connections with other people.

Improves physical health

The mind and the body are interrelated. One works because of the other. When one is harmed, it causes the other to disfunction. Using mindfulness to connect the body and the mind is a great way of improving one’s physical health. Many studies done showed significant results on using mindfulness in relieving stress, lessening the chances of having a cardiac disease, lowers blood pressure, reduces chronic pain and improves sleep.

Improves Mental health

Mindfulness, as a part of science, has its own contributions when it comes to treating a person suffering from any mental health problems. Psychologists and Psychiatrist proved the success of using mindfulness in treating a number of mental illness such as: depression, substance abuse, eating disorders, conflicts, anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The ability of state of mindfulness to help a person accept their experiences – past, present and future. It has a great impact on how people who are suffering from such disorders are able to cope with it.

Mindfulness Colouring

Mindful colouring is another technique of mindfulness where you bring one’s awareness to the present moment by consciously focusing on colouring and designing. Unlike the other techniques where you focus on breathing, mindful colouring focuses on the weight of the pencil on your hand, the shade of colours that you are painting or colouring your paper, and the feelings that is filling your body as you are doing the activity.

Mindful colouring is almost similar to meditation. We let go of any thoughts about tomorrow or yesterday or when you are going to finish the activity. If you catch yourself thinking about the past or the future, revert your mind again to what you are doing in the present moment by describing it. Let go of your judgements while colouring and don’t think if what you are doing is good or bad, amazing or terrible and whether the outcome will be good or not. Remember, the focus of mindful colouring is the process of it, not the possible outcome of colouring. There is no right or wrong way to colour. Think of it as one way of expressing yourself. In mindful colouring, we pay attention on what is happening on the present with curiosity, openness and acceptance.

Effects of Mindfulness Colouring

According to researches, mindful colouring was found to be a great way to reduce a person’s anxiety and stress. It diverts one’s attention from the stressor and allows them to switch off these thoughts and focus on colouring.

It was also found to improve sleeping patterns especially for people who are having a hard time sleeping. It improves a person’s vision and motor skills. The semi-mediative state that the mindful colouring has caused can provide us with some much-needed brain relief by lowering the activity of the amygdala, the part of the brain which controls emotion. Lastly, it helps build our focusing skills that is definitely helpful in studying and foster a sense of compassion.

Why Is Grounding Important In Meditation?

Are you tired recently, and you want to relax yourself and clear your mind? Make one with nature and your spirit by practicing Grounding meditation. What are the benefits of Grounding meditation and its difference with other types of meditation?

What is Grounding Meditation?

         Putting the meaning of grounding into words is quite hard because there is not an exact word that can describe the experience of it. For the sake of understanding what grounding is, we will define it. Grounding is more of a spiritual term that refers to connecting your soul and body to the environment, or the Earth. It helps you make a connection with the surroundings which makes you feel safer and it lessens the anxiety and fear that someone experience on a daily basis.

Two Types of Grounding Meditation:

  • Concentration Meditation

Concentration meditation includes focusing your attention on a single object or point. In this type of meditation, one needs to refocus its attention on a single object when the mind seems to be wandering. Instead of stopping your thoughts, concentration meditation allows you to let go of these disturbances. It is improving the cognitive processes by helping you to focus your attention properly and higher perception of details.

  • Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation encourage the person whose mind is wandering to observe these thoughts and reflect on it. The goal of this type of meditation is to be more aware of one’s thoughts and feelings. It allows a person to accept who he or she truly are and know it better. Mindfulness meditation increases a person’s self-awareness, body awareness, regulates the emotion and attention and decreases stress and anxiety. Aside from that, this also helps you have a good sleep at night and take care of your overall health.

Benefits of Grounding Meditation

Old woman making a heart sign

There have been numerous studies regarding grounding meditation, also called as earthing, which showed how connecting with the environment has a way of healing a person on its own. Here are some proven benefits of grounding meditation from recent studies:

  • Decreases inflammation and pain

One study showed improvement on a 44-year old woman who reportedly have a chronic back pain. Upon monitoring through thermography, the red areas (hot areas) of pain and inflammation were lessened after practicing grounding. After 4 weeks of continuously meditating, she reported that almost more than half of her pain is gone, no more sleep interference, and the stiffness and soreness in the morning is almost gone. By 8 weeks, she reported that the pain she was experience before was completely gone.

  • Lowers stress level

Cortisol is a steroid hormone naturally produces by the body that helps regulate the wide range of processes in the body which includes the immune response and metabolism. Grounding helps normalize the level of cortisol in the body. It lessens premenstrual symptoms and hot flushed and makes one sleep faster. The participants also reported that they feel more refreshed and energetic after. They also noticed that they are less emotional and stressed.

  • Improves blood circulation

Grounding was also proven to improves the oxygen delivery capacity of the blood and brings the nutrients to the tissues in the body. Grounding helps regulate the blood supply of the body more efficiently on the abdomen, on vital organs and on the face resulting to better digestion and better functioning of the organs.


Ten Quick Mindfulness Exercises

people meditating and relaxing

With the recent events, many people are forced to stay at home and wait on what will happen. The fear of the unknown starts to bother us and sooner or later we found ourselves anxious. We listed down mindfulness exercises which helps you pause and reset your focus on what’s important in your life. 

Mindfulness Exercises

START YOUR DAY RIGHT. The unconscious brain is the one who is responsible for all the decision-making and behaviors that we do. Practicing mindfulness as early as you woke up helps strengthen the connection between the higher and the lower brain centers. Doing so, you will see a change in how you deal with your day. You should practice this before doing anything such as checking your phone or even getting out of bed.

  • Upon waking up, sit on your bed or on a chair in a relaxed manner. Keeping your posture in check. Feel the sensations that overwhelms your body. Make sure that your spine is straight, and you are not straining your back.
  • Three deep breaths. This goes a long way. Breathe in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth. Follow the rhythm of your breathing and focus on it. Feel your chest as it rises and fall during each breath.
  • Keep in mind how you want your day to go. Set an intention for the day for example, “Today, I will be more patient with other and I will try to spread kindness in any ways I can”. Throughout the day make sure to keep yourself in check. Don’t hesitate to pause when needed and clear your mind. This helps a lot when you are tired and need to focus on things.

PRACTICE MINDFULNESS WHEN EATING. Who knew that you can also practice mindfulness when you are enjoying a meal? Eating is one of the most enjoyable things that us, human beings, do every day. Everyone is looking forward for lunch and breaks in between school and work.

  • Eat and suffice your hunger. Make sure to choose mindfully what to eat, when to eat, how much you should eat. This quick exercise may not be considered as mindfulness for your, but it is a simple practice of it that guides you in understanding what your body really needs. Do not force yourself to eat certain foods that you don’t like. Doing so will lessen your enjoyment of your meal and might make you feel uncomfortable for the rest of the day.
  • Peacefully finish your meal. Do not be in a hurry to finish your food. Slow down and savor the flavor of the food you are eating. This enhances digestion by making your body relaxed. 

PRACTICE MINDFULNESS ANYWHERE YOU ARE. The brain is composed of a complicated wiring that is responsible for our thoughts, feelings and intelligence. It is overwhelmed with so much job that sometimes it slows down.

three people talking with each other

  • Do new things. Doing new things can help rewire and excite your brain making it stronger. If you want to try yoga, go ahead and put a mat on the floor to entice you to meditate. Seeing it multiple times a day will trigger your brain and be in charge. Sooner or later you will see yourself meditating every day.
  •  Create new patterns. When your brain is used to a pattern that you’ve been doing for the longest time, it slows down as time goes by. Try to create new patterns and incorporate mindfulness in your everyday. For example, before waking up make sure to take a minute for yourself and have 3 deep breaths.
  • Try workouts. Working out is not only a way of burning the calories that you’ve gained from eating but also it is known for improving someone’s over-all health. Choose from the variety of exercises that are available. You can try yoga if you are a newbie. Make sure to warm up first for at least 5 minutes before starting anything. Concentrate on matching the rhythm of your body and your breathing. This aligns the activity of the brain, heart and the nervous system. After exercising, steadily cool down and feel the energy of your surroundings.
  • Mindfulness when driving. Before starting any activity, take deep breaths. The inhaled oxygen awakens your body and mind preparing you for the hustle and bustle while driving. To have a sense of safety and ease, when you are put to stop, look at your surroundings or the other cars around you. You may be lucky enough to see a miracle happening or an act of kindness.
  • Mindfulness when talking to people. When you met someone for the first time, you often look at their eyes, their expression, how they talk and even their postures. You will notice these small details within a short period of time. Take deep breaths and feel the sensations of your body as you start interacting with someone. If you feel like your mind is wandering, accept it and bring back your focus to the one you are talking to.

It is amazing how mindfulness can be practiced in almost about everything. Meditating does not need to take long hours, sometime a breath or two is all you need. It is enough to calm yourself down and provide you the peace that you needed within a full day.


Mindful Friday

Kick starting my weekend by listening to some waves on my headphones. I like the sound of the sea. It really helps me to be in the moment.